New Zealand and Australia are the ‘lucky countries’. We are relatively Read more →
Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. Building on what works is the way we work with all our clients.
Benefit from the insights these deceptively simple, yet powerful learning and development tools and processes give you to tap into potential of your people and your organisation. We will work collaboratively with you to design a Learning and Development programme that will meet your needs using proven developmental tools and processes.
Catalyst Pacific Ltd is accredited to use the following tools and over the years we have built significant experience in using proven research-based learning and development processes.
(Accredited consultants)
TMI is a powerful research-based development tool that gives valuable feedback in key management areas of leadership, team building, and interpersonal skills – including developing empathy in the team.
TMI enables you to look at the strengths and weaknesses in teams, areas of likely misunderstanding in a safe and non-threatening way, and ways to deliver outstanding results.
This team management tool was developed by Dr Charles Margerison and Dr Dick McCann. Through the TMI, people find it easier to understand and be more positive in their approach to their work – individuals learn useful things about themselves and other team members that help them on many levels.
(New Zealand registered partners)
CultureActive is an internationally recognised and practical online cross-cultural communications tool which Catalyst Pacific is proud to offer as CultureActive’s New Zealand partners.
CultureActive offers an extremely useful diagnostic assessment tool for individuals and teams. It also offers practical tips and strategies which participants can access for 12 months after they have completed and been debriefed through their profile.
For anyone and any organisation working in New Zealand and/or abroad with people from other cultures. You will be able to compare your profile with people from than 100 different countries.
The insights that Culture Active offers will help you build stronger relationships that will enhance your effectiveness working with and as part of cross-cultural teams and organisations.
To find out more watch this five minute introductory video at: http://www.crossculture.com/about-us/the-model/ and then call us: Holona on 0274-439345 or Trish 021-385915.
(Accredited consultants)
EXCELL (Excellence in Cultural Experiential Learning and Leadership) is a practical skills focussed approach that equips people with skills that help them adapt to a new culture. It draws from best practice experiential learning in safe environment.
Through using skills learned through EXCELL, you’ll find it easier to interact with people from other cultures and build effective intercultural relationships.
EXCELL was developed through an international collaboration by Dr Michelle Barker (Australia), Dr Marvin Westwood (Canada), Dr Anita Mak (Australia) and Dr Ishu Ishiyama (Canada).
(Certified consultant)
The Lominger Leadership Architect is a powerful, international best practice and research-based framework of leadership and human resource development competencies. It can help provide a foundation upon which to build and strengthen the development of your organisation’s leadership and teams.
The Lominger Leadership Architect identifies 67 leadership and management competencies which drive the majority of job success. Knowing what the key skills are and measuring them effectively can help make your organisation’s human resource development systems work better – recruiting, deployment, development, leadership, performance, and succession.
(Proven expertise)
What we focus on becomes our reality. Appreciative Inquiry is a practical, future and action focussed approach to addressing challenges and future change. People have more confidence in addressing challenges and the uncertainties of impending change when they carry forward the best of the past. Appreciative Inquiry is a facilitated exploration and appreciation of what has worked best in the past and building from there.
(A key underlying core value)
A strengths-based approach is a practical, positive, energising and empowering approach that taps into and builds on what is working in teams, individuals and organisations. A strengths-based approach fosters positive motivation for change and growth.
(Licensed facilitators)
Our clients benefit from our license to use this learning style analytical tool. VARK helps people understand their learning style and to learn more effectively. It helps inform the diversity of teaching strategies necessary for effective learning and development and programme design and delivery.
(TMS Suite of Tools – Accreditation)
360 degree feedback is a development tool that provides each participant the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor and four to eight personally selected peers, reporting staff members, co-workers or customers. The 360 degree feedback process also includes individual self-assessment.
360 degree feedback allows each individual to understand how his or her effectiveness as an employee, co-worker, or staff member is viewed by others whom they have nominated. 360 degree feedback process is based on the individual’s behaviour as seen by the people they have nominated to provide 360 degree feedback.