In the Western world, the baby boomers are ageing and with them a demographic challenge is looming. In New Zealand, as with some of our traditional trading partners, our labour force growth is slowing and our workforce is ageing. There are now more 60‐64 year olds than 15-19 year olds in the workforce. Nearly one in three workers are over 50 and by 2029 it is projected that one in four workers will be aged over 64. Read more →
This is one of the few books on cross-cultural awareness written by an author in our part of the world i.e. Australiasia.
Dancing with Dragons: Chopsticks People Revealed for Global Business by Dr Moni Storz PhD, is an informative and engaging read about how to do business with a market that is home to almost one third of the world’s population.
For the majority these people – Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Vietnamese, the humble chopsticks are an integral part of their way of life. For the rest of the world the use of their fingers, knives, forks or spoons to eat their meals, is an integral part of their lives.
Dr Storz uses these simple eating tools as a metaphor to open a window into the culture and world of the Chopsticks people. Through her experience we learn about their spiritual beliefs and how these shape their unconscious psyche and different cultures. Using real anecdotes and stories on doing business, Dr Storz provides an easily understood insight into how we too, might do business with Chopsticks people more successfully.
As an international global traveller herself, Dr Storz shares case studies of business people and their families, and their experiences of living and working in this fascinating, dynamic and challenging environment.
Readers will learn how they communicate and negotiate with the ‘Chopsticks’ people more successfully, the use of silence to communicate, how to manage and work with them more easily, and sell and market to these people more effectively.
In short, we learn how to ‘dance with the dragons.’ Dr Storz provides a foundation for understanding the Chopsticks people and offers tools and useful tips for global executives and their families living and working in Asia.