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Customised programmes to meet your needs
We believe that every organisation has its own unique identity. We will work collaboratively with you to design customised programmes to meet your needs.
We work collaboratively with all our client organisations. While some may share some similarities with other organisations each has its own particular circumstances and professional development needs. We are committed to meeting your needs through programmes which we design and customise specifically to help you build that high performance edge in your teams.
More importantly our workshops combine customisation with a very practical, solutions focus resulting in tips and strategies that people can take away and apply directly when they get back to work.
Here is a selection of programmes we offer :
- New to New Zealand? – Understanding Kiwi Workplace culture
- Managing cultural dynamics in teams
- Cultural Diversity in the Kiwi workplace
- Cultural awareness and communication in the workplace
- Inter-cultural mentoring
- Managing Virtual teams
- Doing business in New Zealand
- Being effective in mainstream
Leadership development
- One-on-One coaching
- StrengthsFinder
- 360 Degree feedback
- Lominger Leadership Competencies
- Cross-cultural Awareness and Communications
- Inter-cultural mentoring
- Managing Virtual teams
Building high performance teams
- Team Management Index (TMI Profiling)
- Strengths Finder
- Tetra Map team development
- Cross-cultural awareness and communication in the workplace
- Working in Virtual teams
- Stakeholder engagement
Video conference learning